
Copyright information about the contents of this website

All copyright and other (intellectual property) rights on all texts, images, software and other materials on this site are property of KOTI BV and its associated establishments. The KOTI establishments have their own identity. On this website the terms “KOTI” and “Group” are used for convenience to indicate the establishments of KOTI in general.
You are permitted to browse this site and to reproduce extracts of this site by printing, downloading it to a hard disk, and distributing it to other people, but in all cases only if it is non-commercial, informational and for personal purposes and only if this notice appears in all such reproductions.
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Copyright trade marks

All trade marks published on this site are trademarks owned or used under license by KOTI establishments. Unauthorized use of any trademark displayed on this site is strictly prohibited.


The information on this site is provided in good faith, but should only be used for general information purposes only. No rights can be derived with respect to its reliability for specific purposes and no warranty is given to its accuracy or completeness.

KOTI BV, nor the other establishments of the KOTI Group nor any of its employees or agents shall be liable for any loss , damage or expense of any kind arising out of visiting or using this site or any sites linked. We reserve the right, without prior notice to change or correct the site in a manner that we deem appropriate and suitable.